Shelby Lorenzi Joins Clemens | Warren, LLP

Shelby R. Lorenzi

The Clemens | Warren, LLP team is excited to have Shelby Lorenzi join our growing team. Shelby brings a wealth of family law experience stemming from many different areas to Clemens | Warren, LLP. Shelby , a former paralegal,  started her path in family law by working for the San Diego Superior Court at the Family Law Facilitator’s Office. She worked directly with self-represented litigants by providing them guidance with their case. While in law school, Shelby worked for the USD Women’s Legal Clinic, having earned the Pro Bono service Recognition award. Shelby was also presented with the Bonnie Nelson Reading Scholarship award, given to one student each year in recognition of their affinity for family law and contributions to the local practice. Prior to joining our team, Shelby worked directly under a well respected family law attorney, serving has her right hand. 

Clemens | Warren, LLP is excited and grateful to have Shelby join our team!